Thursday, April 27, 2023


Quiz on World War I Battles Fought in Africa


  1. Who fired the first bullet of the war in late July 1914? A) An African soldier in a British uniform B) A German soldier in a German uniform C) A British soldier in a British uniform D) A French soldier in a French uniform

Answer: A) An African soldier in a British uniform

  1. How many Africans were compelled to fight in World War I? A) One million B) Two million C) Three million D) Four million

Answer: B) Two million

  1. How were Africans affected by the war? A) They benefited greatly from it. B) They were not affected at all. C) They suffered the most in the conflict. D) They were given control of their lands.

Answer: C) They suffered the most in the conflict.

  1. What was the most significant difference between the war in Africa and the conflict in Europe? A) The size of the battles B) The use of tanks and aircraft C) The use of artillery D) The type of weapons used

Answer: B) The use of tanks and aircraft

  1. What was the primary combat arm in Great War Africa? A) Tanks B) Artillery C) Infantry D) Aircraft

Answer: C) Infantry

  1. What was the crucial German East Africa campaign between 1916 and 1918? A) A battle that took place over an area of 750,000 square miles B) A battle between British and French troops C) A battle that took place in Cameroon D) A battle in which artillery was used effectively

Answer: A) A battle that took place over an area of 750,000 square miles

  1. What was the response of the French when they attempted to conscript soldiers in various parts of West Africa? A) The soldiers eagerly volunteered to fight. B) The soldiers rebelled. C) The French encountered little resistance. D) The soldiers were not interested in fighting.

Answer: B) The soldiers rebelled.

  1. What happened in the First Battle of Garua in August 1914? A) The Allies seized a German fort and were able to hold it. B) The Germans counterattacked and recaptured their fort. C) The Allies encountered little resistance from the Germans. D) The battle resulted in a stalemate.

Answer: B) The Germans counterattacked and recaptured their fort.

  1. What was the objective of the Allied Landing at Douala in September 1914? A) To attack the crucial seaport of Douala from three directions at once B) To seize a German colony in Cameroon C) To capture a German fort D) To repulse a German attack

Answer: B) To seize a German colony in Cameroon

  1. Who repeatedly outsmarted and out-maneuvered the British in East Africa? A) Col. Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck B) Col. Winston Churchill C) Gen. Douglas MacArthur D) Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower

Answer: A) Col. Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck


Quiz on America Cany History

  1. What is the annual revenue of the U.S. confection industry? a) $13 million b) $13 billion c) $13 trillion d) $13 thousand Answer: b) $13 billion

  2. How much money did Americans spend on sweets on Halloween alone? a) $300,000 b) $3 million c) $30 million d) $3 billion Answer: d) $3 billion

  3. Who is credited with inventing candy corn? a) Hershey's Chocolate Company b) Goelitz Candy Company c) Wunderle Candy Company d) Nestle Chocolate Company Answer: c) Wunderle Candy Company

  4. What was candy corn initially marketed as? a) Chicken feed b) Pig food c) Horse food d) Cow food Answer: a) Chicken feed

  5. What was the first candy bar mass-produced in the U.S.? a) Snickers b) Milky Way c) Hershey's Milk Chocolate Bar d) Baby Ruth Answer: c) Hershey's Milk Chocolate Bar

  6. Which candy bar was named after a U.S. President's daughter, despite being marketed to evoke a baseball superstar? a) Hershey's Chocolate Bar b) Snickers c) Baby Ruth d) Milky Way Answer: c) Baby Ruth

  7. What is the main ingredient in Twizzlers? a) Chocolate b) Licorice c) Peanut butter d) Caramel Answer: b) Licorice

  8. What candy is credited with helping facilitate a complicated nuclear agreement? a) Snickers b) M&Ms c) Kit-Kat d) Twix Answer: b) M&Ms

  9. Who came up with the idea to create M&Ms? a) Hershey's Chocolate Company b) Forrest Mars c) Goelitz Candy Company d) Wunderle Candy Company Answer: b) Forrest Mars

  10. What year were Twizzlers first sold under the Twizzlers trademark? a) 1845 b) 1929 c) 1941 d) 1977 Answer: b) 1929

Wednesday, April 12, 2023


20 General Knowledge on Nature with answers


  1. What is the world's largest mammal? Answer: The blue whale

  2. What is the world's largest reptile? Answer: The saltwater crocodile

  3. What is the world's largest bird? Answer: The ostrich

  4. What is the world's largest living organism? Answer: The honey fungus

  5. What is the process by which plants convert sunlight into energy? Answer: Photosynthesis

  6. What is the world's largest desert? Answer: The Antarctic Desert

  7. Which animal can change its color to match its surroundings? Answer: Chameleon

  8. What is the study of plants called? Answer: Botany

  9. Which animal is known as the "ship of the desert"? Answer: Camel

  10. What is the world's largest flower? Answer: Rafflesia Arnoldii

  11. What is the world's largest coral reef? Answer: The Great Barrier Reef

  12. Which animal can regenerate its limbs? Answer: Starfish

  13. What is the world's largest land animal? Answer: African elephant

  14. Which gas makes up most of the Earth's atmosphere? Answer: Nitrogen

  15. What is the world's largest volcano? Answer: Mauna Loa in Hawaii

  16. What is the world's tallest tree? Answer: Hyperion, a coast redwood in California

  17. Which animal is the fastest on land? Answer: Cheetah

  18. What is the process by which water evaporates from plants called? Answer: Transpiration

  19. What is the world's largest fish? Answer: Whale shark

  20. What is the world's deepest ocean? Answer: Pacific Ocean (Mariana Trench)


10 Quiz on famous female personalities


  1. Who is the first woman to win a Nobel Prize? Answer: Marie Curie

  2. Who was the first female prime minister of the United Kingdom? Answer: Margaret Thatcher

  3. Who is the famous Mexican painter known for her self-portraits? Answer: Frida Kahlo

  4. Who is the famous American writer known for her novel "To Kill a Mockingbird"? Answer: Harper Lee

  5. Who is the famous American singer and actress known as the "Queen of Pop"? Answer: Madonna

  6. Who is the famous British author known for her Harry Potter series? Answer: J.K. Rowling

  7. Who is the first woman to win an Academy Award for Best Director? Answer: Kathryn Bigelow

  8. Who is the famous American talk show host known for her show "The Oprah Winfrey Show"? Answer: Oprah Winfrey

  9. Who is the famous Pakistani activist known for her advocacy for girls' education? Answer: Malala Yousafzai

  10. Who is the famous American politician who served as the first female Secretary of State? Answer: Madeleine Albright

Monday, February 20, 2023


MCQ on India’s Moon Mission, Chandrayaan-3

India’s Moon Mission, Chandrayaan-3

1-What is the name of India's third lunar mission?

A) Chandrayaan-1

B) Chandrayaan-2

C) Chandrayaan-3

D) Chandrayaan-4

Answer: C) Chandrayaan-3

2-Which test has the Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft recently cleared?

A) Chemical compatibility test

B) Environmental compatibility test

C) Electro-magnetic interference/electro-magnetic compatibility test

D) Power compatibility test

Answer: C) Electro-magnetic interference/electro-magnetic compatibility test

3-When is the expected launch date for Chandrayaan-3?

A) December 2022

B) June 2023

C) July 2024

D) August 2025

Answer: B) June 2023

4-What are the three interplanetary modules of the Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft?

A) Propulsion module, Lander module, and Rover

B) Orbiter module, Lander module, and Rover

C) Propulsion module, Orbiter module, and Rover

D) Propulsion module, Orbiter module, and Lander module

Answer: A) Propulsion module, Lander module, and Rover

5-Which payload of the propulsion module is used to study the spectral and polarimetric measurements of Earth from the lunar orbit?

A) Laser Doppler Velocimeter (LDP)

B) Spectro-polarimetry of Habitable Planet Earth (SHAPE)

C) Chandra's Surface Thermophysical Experiment (ChaSTE)

D) Instrument for Lunar Seismic Activity (ILSA)

Answer: B) Spectro-polarimetry of Habitable Planet Earth (SHAPE)

6-What is the name of the payload that is used to measure thermal conductivity and temperature in the Lander module?

A) Chandra's Surface Thermophysical Experiment (ChaSTE)

B) Instrument for Lunar Seismic Activity (ILSA)

C) Langmuir Probe (LP)

D) Passive Laser Retroreflector Array

Answer: A) Chandra's Surface Thermophysical Experiment (ChaSTE)

7-Which payload in the Lander module is used to estimate plasma density and its variations?

A) Chandra's Surface Thermophysical Experiment (ChaSTE)

B) Instrument for Lunar Seismic Activity (ILSA)

C) Langmuir Probe (LP)

D) Passive Laser Retroreflector Array

Answer: C) Langmuir Probe (LP)

8-Which payloads in the Rover module are used to derive the elemental composition in the vicinity of the landing site?

A) Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer (APXS) and Passive Laser Retroreflector Array

B) Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscope (LIBS) and Passive Laser Retroreflector Array

C) Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer (APXS) and Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscope (LIBS)

D) Instrument for Lunar Seismic Activity (ILSA) and Langmuir Probe (LP)

Answer: C) Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer (APXS) and Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscope (LIBS)

9-Which agency is responsible for the Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft project?


B) European Space Agency (ESA)

C) Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos)

D) Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)

Answer: D) Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)

10-Was India's attempt to land a rover on the Moon successful in the Chandrayaan-2 mission?

A) Yes

B) No

Answer: B) No