Wednesday, April 12, 2023


20 General Knowledge on Nature with answers


  1. What is the world's largest mammal? Answer: The blue whale

  2. What is the world's largest reptile? Answer: The saltwater crocodile

  3. What is the world's largest bird? Answer: The ostrich

  4. What is the world's largest living organism? Answer: The honey fungus

  5. What is the process by which plants convert sunlight into energy? Answer: Photosynthesis

  6. What is the world's largest desert? Answer: The Antarctic Desert

  7. Which animal can change its color to match its surroundings? Answer: Chameleon

  8. What is the study of plants called? Answer: Botany

  9. Which animal is known as the "ship of the desert"? Answer: Camel

  10. What is the world's largest flower? Answer: Rafflesia Arnoldii

  11. What is the world's largest coral reef? Answer: The Great Barrier Reef

  12. Which animal can regenerate its limbs? Answer: Starfish

  13. What is the world's largest land animal? Answer: African elephant

  14. Which gas makes up most of the Earth's atmosphere? Answer: Nitrogen

  15. What is the world's largest volcano? Answer: Mauna Loa in Hawaii

  16. What is the world's tallest tree? Answer: Hyperion, a coast redwood in California

  17. Which animal is the fastest on land? Answer: Cheetah

  18. What is the process by which water evaporates from plants called? Answer: Transpiration

  19. What is the world's largest fish? Answer: Whale shark

  20. What is the world's deepest ocean? Answer: Pacific Ocean (Mariana Trench)

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